what up people this past Friday I went out to QUENCHERS SALOON to see the Metal Band Knife of Simpson. I just made it as the band was in the middle of their first song and let me tell you these guys got some raw power pumping out of them amps...
A mix of Heavy Mid Tempo Riffs with solid Bass grooves seems to be the formula and holding down that side of the sound is "The Hessian" on Drums and "Rusty Renegade" on Bass
now let me pauses here for a sec... these two guys hold down the rhythm section so hard you can't help but to want jump up and head bang.
On the other side of that rhythm you have "Norman Conquest" on Guitar dropping great melody lines, if you never heard a guitar sing then check out Norman Conquest.
Holding it all together on Lead Vocals/ Guitar - Johnny "Savage" Cochryde on stage nothing seem to shake this guy cool under-pressure not even a false start during show or the playful heckling from friends could take him out the zone and the killer riff that was blasting from his guitar cabinets was enough to shut up the non believers.
Bottom line here is Knife of Simpson rocks hard if your in the mood for something heavy check out this band or pick up the cd "Orenthalgy" two tune i dig on the cd is "AOK in the USA" and "Cop Assisted Suicide" don't worry the whole cd rocks 8 songs to bang your brain out with...
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